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About our Beit Midrash / Midrasha

The Beit Midrash is headed by Rav Jonny Brull and the Midrasha by Dr Michal Kaufman.

An extensive list of shiurim appears here but not all shiurim are conducted in the Beit Midrash, with some taking place in private homes.

The learning program is enhanced by the presence of Bachurei Hesder who come from Israel for a year-long period to shar of their knowledge and enthusiasm for the centrality of Israel in religious life. This year we are fortunate to be joined by Tziki Himelstein, Noach Duker, Natanel Kronenberg and Chananya Yeres (opposite).

HORIM V'YELADIM - In order to encourage the participation of families and not just individuals and to teach youngsters the value of learning, during the winter months we run a parents and children session each Moztaei Shabbat. Because learning is not just the prerogative of males, we do not run an Avos Uvonim but Horim v'Yeladim.


CHEVRUTAH - To organise a chevrutah please contact our Rosh Kollel Rav Jonny Brull (


In and around the Beit Midrash / Midrasha

30 Aug 2023

27 Aug 2023

27 Oct 2021

6 May 2021

23 Aug 2018

"20 years of Mizrachi Beit Midrash" 23 Aug 2018

18 Aug 2017

17 Aug 2017

27 Nov 2014

9 Dec 2013

3 Dec 2012

14 Dec 2011

23 Nov 2009

Sat, 27 July 2024 21 Tammuz 5784