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Mizrachi Organisation, is a multi-facetted institution established to promote, develop and support Religious Zionism. It boasts several campuses and numerous operations including multiple Synagogues, Kosher Australia, Melbourne Eruv (in partnership with the COSV), Mizrachi Charity Fund, Naftali Herc Beit Midrash, Kollel Torah MiTzion, Midrasha, Bnei Akiva Youth Movement, Emunah Women’s Movement and Leibler Yavneh College.

What is Mizrachi?

The vibrancy of the Mizrachi Organisation is reflected in the range of services we offer the community; participate in weekday, weeknight and Shabbat tefillah services in a choice of different minyanim, join a shiur or learn one-on-one in our Beit Midrash, enjoy social and cultural events throughout the year and much more.

Mizrachi is also the parent body of Melbourne’s foremost Religious Zionist K-12 educational institution, Leibler Yavneh College, and home to the vibrant Bnei Akiva youth movement.

In addition, Australasia’s principal kashrut authority, Kosher Australia, was founded by Mizrachi and is the primary source of kashrut information for Australia's Jewish population of over 100,000.

Filling a void in Jewish Melbourne's communal needs, the Melbourne Eruv was founded by Mizrachi in 2006 and covers almost all areas of significant Jewish populations.

Whether you are a local or visiting from abroad, we would be delighted to welcome you at Mizrachi.

Mizrachi leadership

Tue, 22 October 2024 20 Tishrei 5785